Friday, October 22, 2010

Lovely Cutout Artwork

 abstract painting by Grace
Classes at the studio have been filling up and it's wonderful to watch all of the artwork being generated by our young artistes. The craft hole punches have been a hit with everyone young and old. Who doesn't love a bunch of patterned hearts, stars, and crowns floating around a studio? The young hands have been getting a workout with all of the hole punching being done. One child sat for a good hour punching out a design on one piece of paper, which he turned into a very creative monster. It's wonderful to have all of the positive energy traveling through the studio everyday. Thank you to all who are involved.
If you are far away and not able to visit the studio, you can still craft punch at home. Martha Stewart makes fabulous craft punches that you can find everywhere from Michael's (be sure you get the 40% coupon out of your local circular) or you may get lucky and find them at T.J. Maxx or Tuesday Morning for a fraction of the price.  Good punching!
fingerprint painting by Ruby
rainbow painting by Maya

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